Welcome to Clarkston, Michigan

- where small-town charm meets modern living!

Player Prints

Emilia is a 7th grader at Sherman middle school in Holly. In many ways she’s a typical 13 year old girl. She loves music, shopping and spending time with her friends. Emilia is also on the autism spectrum. She was first diagnosed as high functioning autistic at the age of 4. When she was first diagnosed her father and I were not sure what to expect for her as she grew. There was a lot of fear and grief for the life our beautiful girl wouldn’t have. Yet everyday we are amazed at her strength and her love of life. She has taught us both how to appreciate the little things like the sight of a hot air balloon or eating an ice cream sandwich. Emilia is also truly special in how she collects people. She loves ALL people. She’s always so happy to see the people she cares about. Emilia’s Fans grow every year since we started walking for autism in 2011. It’s pretty wonderful for us to know that maybe her world won’t be such a scary place if she has all these loving and caring people in her life. I know our life is forever changed for having Emilia in it. Player Prints became involved with Emilia's Fans through our friend's Kevin and Marisa O'Neil. Kevin and Marisa are the parents of Emilia and we wanted to help our friends raise awareness and help get more people involved in the walk on May 18th

We love the Clarkston area and the surrounding communities because we are able to become involved with the people and be more than a business. If anyone is interested in the walk, it is at Creasey Bicentennial Park in Grand Blanc, MI from 10am to 2pm


