Welcome to Clarkston, Michigan

- where small-town charm meets modern living!

The Coffee Bucket

"DRAW is collecting all plastic bags to reuse/recycle, in order to create backpacks that can be used by flood victims as they muck out their homes and salvage their belongings going forward.

Plastic bags can be shredded into “plastic yarn,” which then can be crocheted into drawstring backpacks that DRAW will distribute and incorporate into our storm responses. We have volunteers ready to create the yarn and crochet the bags, and all we want YOU to do is recycle your everyday plastic bags with us by dropping them off at The Coffee Bucket or DRAW’s HQ. (You could also setup a collection at your work and bring them to us, but...one step at a time)

So, those pesky plastic bags from CVS, Kroger, or anywhere else you shop, those bags that sit for decades in landfills after they’re used once, those bags can now be used to serve disaster victims through our Green Initiative."


Please go to 3549 Airport Road #104, Waterford, MI 48329 to drop off your plastic bags.


